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Loans for adults over 24 for Level 3+ courses in Further Education will be introduced during 2013. NIACE has been instrumental in the development of the latest package of support including the 50M bursary fund announced by BIS on 12 July 2012. Our members have asked us to go beyond the briefing sessions that are provided to look in detail at practical planning implications.
Video cameras may be in use at this event. If you do not wish to be photographed or appear on the video outputs please indicate this on the application form and make yourself known at registration
160 - NIACE Members fee
NB: If you wish us to invoice your employer we require a copy of the Purchase Order before the form is processed
NOTE: NIACE does not charge VAT on conference and course fees
Our model outlines gross and retained risk at each stage of the learner journey through an analysis of likelihood and level of impact on learners, employers and their communities.
If you have not received an e-mail confirming your attendance and joining instructions 4 working days before the event please contact: .uk
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Participants should be prepared to take their own notes as there will not be handouts for all sessions
A 15 working days notice period is required for provision of eladult learning loans Advanced Learning Loansectronic note-takers, sign language interpreters and transcription to Braille
One of the implications for providers is that it implies a different type of engagement with the learner, which becomes a more complex relationship, requiring different skills sets, with implications for the workforce and how they need to be equipped.(Provider)
Our research over the past year on a number of projects has developed an analysis tool based on the learner journey. Providers have told us it is useful in anticipating and planning for the curriculum and funding challenges they ce. It can also provide an effective lever for driving workforce change.
These training sessions are targeted particularly at current Level 3 / Level 4 providers.
150 - NIACE Members fee
Application forms are individually acknowledged by e-mail. Joining instructions, including map and directions, will be e-mailed out one week before the event, learning loans Advanced Learning Loans.
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Our approach will be to present the model, outline ways in which providers can undertake local analysis and assessment of risk, share risk mitigation strategies and look at the longer term impact of this policy, including embedding workforce change management approaches.
At this training day,Still emerging (for now) The 3D printers of CES 2013 3d modelling courses. delegates will work with NIACE policy and research staff who have been working with providers across the learning and skills sector on their planning for local implementation of this r reaching policy.
C3109/1012 Monday 15th October 2012
Delegates who attended the first course on 16 October advised us that the NIACE approach is supportive of practitioners and front-line managers because it is realistic, and it offers the opportunity to help plan and reflect. They said that the course was particularly relevant for providers who have not yet started preparing for 24+ Advanced Learning Loans, who need to plan much further ahead and work harder on a Whole Organisation Approach (WOA). The course is also useful for those who are at the early stages of preparation for 24+ Advanced Learning Loans.
Places will be allocated in order of receipt of completed online application forms (one online application form per person)
C3136/0113 Event fee per person: 175 - Full fee; 160 - NIACE members fee (includes sandwich lunch, tea/coffee)
Arrival and registration is 10:20am for a 10:40am start. The training session will end with tea at 3:30pm
C3109/1012 Event fee per person: 175 - Full fee; 150 - NIACE members fee (includes sandwich lunch, tea/coffee)
175 - Non member fee
Its not only educating the person who is currently learning or will be going into learning and taking the loan out, its educating everybody else around them. (Learner)
(includes sandwich lunch, tea/coffee)
C3136/0113 Wednesday 30th January 2013
175 - Non member fee